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  1. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Một số tin tức đáng chú ý: Mức lương hưu cao nhất trên 140 triệu sau tăng lương; TP.HCM kiểm tra toàn bộ cây xanh đường phố; Ca COVID-19 cao nhất 9 ngày qua...
  2. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Tin tức tối 8-7: Vòi rồng làm sập 4 nhà dân ở Bạc Liêu; Ô tô đối đầu xe tải ở Lâm Đồng, 3 người thiệt mạng; Chuyến bay đặc biệt chở trái tim của người hiến tạng từ Hà Nội về Huế; Cháy nhà, 3 người chết... là những tin tức đáng chú ý.
  3. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Hai đêm nhạc của nhóm Blackpink tổ chức tại Hà Nội đang gây xôn xao giới trẻ mê đắm idol. Nhưng với giá vé VIP 9,8 triệu, vé tầm trung từ 5,8-6,8 triệu và chuyện làm tiền của các công ty giải trí đã tạo ra nhiều tranh luận trong cộng đồng 'đu idol'.
  4. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Trên mạng đang quảng cáo uống viên chống nắng uống trắng da, công dụng như ‘thần dược’, có thể ‘thách thức’ nắng nóng hơn 40 độ C, còn bác sĩ nói hiệu quả của viên chống nắng ra sao?
  5. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Nhiều người cho rằng chỉ có người bị béo phì, thừa cân thì mới bị gan nhiễm mỡ, mỡ nội tạng. Tuy nhiên đó là quan niệm sai lầm và có nhiều con đường dẫn đến gan nhiễm mỡ. Thực tế nhiều người gầy trơ xương cũng bị gan nhiễm mỡ hoặc mỡ nội tạng.
  6. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Tin tức sáng 8-7: Mặt hàng xuất khẩu hiếm hoi tăng trưởng dương, đạt hơn 6 tỉ USD trong nửa năm; Giả mạo app đánh cắp tài khoản ngân hàng và kiểm soát điện thoại; Trẻ dưới 2 tuổi trên toàn quốc được khám sức khỏe định kỳ...
  7. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Tá hỏa với thi thể người đàn ông trong quán võng ven quốc lộ 1; Đổi gạo lấy vũ khí ở Đắk Lắk: Công an tiếp nhận hơn 300 khẩu súng của người dân Ea H’leo; Vụ bắn dê của dân, bắt tạm giam ba cựu cán bộ công an.
  8. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Chương trình 'Người ấy là ai' tập 8, mùa 7 vừa công bố dàn cố vấn tình cảm với nhiều gương mặt nổi bật, đặc biệt là có sự góp mặt của ca sĩ Phương Mỹ Chi. Mới 20 tuổi, việc Phương Mỹ Chi tham gia cố vấn tình cảm đã gây nhiều tranh cãi trong dư luận.
  9. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Công an tỉnh Hà Nam cho biết quanh khu vực xã Tiên Tân thời gian gần đây xuất hiện nhóm người có biểu hiện lạ, bất thường. Họ ăn mặc nhếch nhác, thường đứng quan sát nhà dân từ 15 đến 30 phút, đến chập tối thì xin tiền, xin cơm rồi nhanh chóng bỏ đi.
  10. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Sau đợt uống vitamin A liều cao trong chương trình quốc gia từ 1-6 vừa qua, tận dụng thông tin truyền thông về việc bổ sung vitamin A tốt cho mắt và cần bổ sung vitamin A liều cao cho trẻ, nhiều người rao bán tràn lan trên mạng xã hội.
  11. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Tin tức đáng chú ý: Đề xuất thành lập Trường đại học Thống kê; Lừa đảo trực tuyến gia tăng, chủ yếu nhắm vào người cao tuổi; Tay chân miệng gia tăng, lưu ý khi chăm sóc trẻ tại nhà như thế nào?...
  12. admin


  13. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Tin tức tối 6-7: Tôn cuộn chở trên xe đầu kéo lại lăn la liệt trên đường vì bị đứt xích; Chỉ vì nghĩ người khác ‘nhìn đểu’ ở quán ăn dẫn đến hỗn chiến, nhiều người bị công an triệu tập; Phương Mỹ Chi đang gây tranh cãi, vì sao?
  14. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Ngày 5-7, Công an TP Đà Lạt, tỉnh Lâm Đồng phát hiện 2 quán ăn nổi tiếng, rất đông du khách vi phạm quy định vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm. Cụ thể là phát hiện hàng tấn nội tạng, nậm heo không rõ nguồn gốc tại 2 quán ăn trên.
  15. Artist(s): IELTS Podcast
      In this tutorial, we look at living in cities IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers. We look at: Topic-specific collocations and phrases about living in cities. Useful vocabulary to describe the pros and cons of living in cities. Sample speaking part three questions and model answers related to living in cities. Understanding the structure and components of complex sentences in IELTS Writing and speaking. Table of Contents Introduction Grammar Point Covered Pros and Cons Regarding Living in Cities Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases Model Sentences Using City Phrases and Complex Sentences Model Essay about Living in Cities Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers Further Reading Joke Introduction Living in cities is a topic of considerable interest given the growing urbanisation trends across the globe. This article will provide insights into the pros and cons of city living, enrich your vocabulary with related collocations, and guide you through the use of complex sentences with multiple clauses. Grammar Point Covered Complex sentences with multiple clauses refer to sentences that have one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and usually provides additional information about the action in the main clause. This type of sentence structure allows for greater flexibility and depth in conveying information, which is highly useful in both writing and speaking tasks. 1. Despite the drawbacks such as high cost of living and pollution, many people choose to live in cities because they appreciate the accessibility to amenities, the cultural diversity, and the range of employment opportunities available. 2. While living in cities can be exhilarating due to the fast-paced lifestyle and the buzz of activity, it can also lead to stress and exhaustion, which may have negative impacts on mental health. 3. The increasing urban sprawl, which is causing environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, is a critical issue that city planners and authorities need to address, even as they grapple with providing housing for the growing population. 4. Cities offer a plethora of experiences, from a vibrant nightlife to a diverse range of cuisines, but they also pose challenges like noise pollution and overcrowding, which can significantly impact the quality of life. 5. Even though city life, with its convenience and variety, holds a great appeal for many, the longing for a slower pace of life and a close-knit community is leading some to reconsider and move towards the countryside. 6. Cities are often viewed as hubs of opportunity where one can grow personally and professionally, yet they also present hurdles like high living costs and a fiercely competitive environment. 7. Cities are becoming smarter with the integration of advanced technology into public services and infrastructure, which is improving the quality of life, even as they contend with issues like data privacy and cybersecurity. 8. As urban populations continue to grow, city authorities must not only focus on providing basic services but also on enhancing green spaces and recreational facilities, which contribute to the well-being of the residents. 9. The diversity of cultures and communities in cities, which contributes to their dynamism and vibrancy, can also lead to challenges such as social inequality and tension. 10. The convenience of public transport in cities, while reducing reliance on personal vehicles and thereby reducing carbon emissions, is often offset by issues of overcrowding and delays, which call for continuous improvements and investments. Pros and Cons Regarding Living in Cities Pros Greater diversity of people and cultures Wide range of entertainment and recreational options Better infrastructure and public transport Easy access to healthcare and education services Innovative technology and smart city initiatives Vibrant social life and networking opportunities Opportunities for personal and professional growth More job opportunities and higher wages Availability of numerous shopping and dining options Urban sustainability initiatives and green spaces Cons High cost of living Overcrowding and population density Noise and air pollution Higher rates of crime Lack of privacy Stressful and fast-paced lifestyle Less community spirit and neighbourliness Decreased contact with nature Traffic congestion and longer commuting times Potential for social isolation despite high population Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases Urban sprawl Public transport High cost of living < li>Vibrant nightlife Diversity of cultures Cityscape view Population density Green spaces Smart city initiatives Fast-paced lifestyle   Model Sentences Using City Phrases and Complex Sentences Despite the high cost of living, many individuals are drawn to the city due to its vibrant nightlife and the diversity of cultures. Although the urban sprawl has led to numerous environmental issues, city authorities are countering this through the implementation of smart city initiatives. The fast-paced lifestyle that is often synonymous with city living can be exhausting, yet it also opens up a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. While population density in cities can result in overcrowding, the creation of green spaces has been shown to alleviate some of this strain. In spite of the convenience offered by public transport, traffic congestion remains a significant issue in many urban areas. Model Essay about Living in Cities Urban sprawl has become a predominant feature of modern societies, with more people gravitating towards cities than ever before. This trend has stirred up a series of debates about the advantages and disadvantages of urban living. On the one hand, city life offers a vibrant nightlife and a diversity of cultures that provides an enriching life experience. Cities, being the hubs of activity, offer greater opportunities for entertainment, education, and employment, which can contribute to an individual’s overall life satisfaction. Furthermore, the convenience offered by well-structured public transport systems and proximity to essential services make city living highly appealing. On the other hand, the drawbacks of urban living are not insignificant. The high cost of living, the stress of a fast-paced lifestyle, and the associated mental health issues cannot be overlooked. Additionally, problems such as traffic congestion, pollution, and the lack of green spaces further complicate city life. Yet, despite these challenges, cities continue to grow and thrive, highlighting the human ability to adapt and find solutions. In conclusion, city living, despite its challenges, offers numerous opportunities that make it attractive to a large segment of the population. It’s a dynamic and ever-changing environment that calls for innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life for its inhabitants. Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers Why do people prefer living in cities? Well, to be honest, people are often drawn to cities due to the plethora of opportunities they provide. There’s a diversity of cultures, a vibrant social scene, and greater employment prospects. City life, though hectic, offers a variety of experiences that are hard to find in rural areas. Should governments invest more in improving city infrastructure? Yes, in my opinion, governments should definitely invest more in enhancing city infrastructure. In fact, improving public services like public transport, parks, and recreational facilities can significantly improve the quality of life in urban areas. What are the key challenges cities are facing today? Well, there are several challenges, but the primary one is the high cost of living. As far as I know, this is driving social inequality and is a source of economic stress for many individuals. Additionally, cities are grappling with environmental issues like pollution and the lack of green spaces. How have cities changed in the past 50 years? Over the past 50 years, cities have grown tremendously in terms of size and population density. The urban sprawl has been quite significant, and with it, the rise of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers. This development, while providing housing and office space, has led to a decrease in natural green spaces and a surge in environmental issues. Is living in cities common in your country? Yes, living in cities is quite common in my country. Most people are attracted to urban life due to the fast-paced lifestyle and the variety of opportunities that cities provide. However, the countryside also has its appeal, especially for those who prefer a quieter and slower pace of life. Further Reading BBC: The future of cities Wikipedia: City NCBI: Health Effects of City Living Stanford Urban Studies UK Government: Future of Cities Joke Why don’t cities ever get lost? Because they always follow the urban planner! Join many other students who have achieved IELTS Success with our online IELTS Course or get instant feedback with our online essay checker. You can download or listen to the full tutorial here: | Direct Download Here | Stitcher | iTunes | Spotify   The post Living in Cities: Topic ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers appeared first on IELTS Podcast.
  16. Artist(s): IELTS Podcast
      New forms of money are appearing at an ever-faster rate. Is this a positive development or adding risk to the system? Should new money technology face greater regulation and scrutiny?  As progress in technology seems to quicken each year, it is inevitable it will start to encroach into new areas such as finance and even currency. This essay will review the modern advancements in the fintech world and determine both the risk and regulation situation.  Firstly it is abundantly clear that technology is disrupting practically every industry, especially the financial sector. Finance has been a relatively stable industry for decades and has faced a deluge of regulations in order to manage and mitigate risk. Occasionally technology outpaces government regulations and new sectors and even new money is born. For example, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are new forms of money based on blockchain technology. Due to their newness and relative obscurity, they are often quite volatile and therefore often deemed risky. However, with this new technology comes vast new opportunities, for example, someone who holds Bitcoin can now deposit it with companies such as Nexo and Celsius and gain a very healthy rate of interest, often upwards of five per cent. Not only can they deposit their Bitcoin they can also get a loan against it, this could be extremely useful for those who do not want to sell but need instant money. Although all these new developments may seem a little risky at the outset one must not forget the global financial crisis of 2008 caused by a so-called highly regulated and ‘mature’ industry. It is therefore clear that although these new types of money may seem risky, to date, even regulated finance is not immune to risk and depravity. In summary, given recent historical financial events, it would seem shortsighted, narrow-minded, and almost absurd to even consider that the new technologies adversely affect the risk equation in modern finance.    New money technology should be legally treated the same way other financial institutions are treated, or perhaps even more leniently. Firstly, it is important that new technology gets the opportunity to evolve, mature, and ultimately disrupt the current field. Although old money transfer companies such as Western Union are expensive, due to technology they are finally facing serious competition from newer entrants. For example, younger startups such as Wise.com can also transfer funds but at a much more competitive rate, and often faster. This company faces similar regulations as the incumbents which protect users and prevent nefarious actors from abusing the network. Other technologies such as cryptocurrencies can also be used to transfer funds, however, at yet even lower rates and faster still. Although the regulatory environment has failed to keep up with the pace of blockchain technologies it is clear the benefits for consumers are profound. In fact, the sooner the government can legislate the better because this would reduce risks and also level the playing field between competitors. For example, currently, users of blockchain transfers lack the same legal protections and rights as users of other companies such as Wise.com. Therefore it is clear that updating the legislation so as to include new technologies would bring fairer competition for the industry players and a safer experience for users.  To conclude, new forms of finance such as cryptocurrencies are possibly riskier for consumers than traditional finance, however traditional finance seems riskier for the entire world’s population. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the level of risk we are facing. Regarding regulation, new technologies should face the same amount of scrutiny as other competitors in the field. This should increase safety for all the market participants and even bring about improved services.    USEFUL ESSAY VOCABULARY  encroach abundantly clear mitigate deemed one must not forget LIST: shortsighted, narrow-minded, and almost absurd LIST: evolve, mature, and ultimately disrupt adversely affect  Relative clause: which  profound   TOPIC-SPECIFIC VOCABULARY fintech  deluge of regulations cryptocurrencies blockchain volatile deposit depravity risk equation No repetition: incumbents, industry players, startups No repetition: level the playing field, fairer competition scrutiny No repetition: market participants, end-users   Get 85% off on Elsa lifetime and 40% off on 1-year membership: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/elsa You can download or listen to the audio version here: | Direct Download Here | Stitcher | iTunes | Spotify | Transcript The post Band 9 Model Essay and Vocabulary-Cryptocurrency appeared first on IELTS Podcast.
  17. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Hành trình vây ráp, truy bắt các nghi can khủng bố liên quan vụ tấn công 2 trụ sở UBND xã tại Đắk Lắk diễn ra trong đêm ở khu vực rộng hàng ngàn héc ta bao bọc bởi vườn cây cà phê um tùm. Có lúc tưởng chừng mất dấu thì một manh mối mở ra...



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