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  1. Artist(s): IELTS Podcast
    Climate Change: Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers In this tutorial, we look at climate change IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers. Table of Contents Introduction Grammar Point Covered Pros and Cons Regarding Climate Change Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases Model Sentences Using Climate Change Phrases and Linking Words Model Essay About Climate Change Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers Further Reading Joke Introduction Climate change is a pressing issue that affects every aspect of our society. This article will cover the topic of climate change, focusing on its pros and cons, relevant vocabulary, and providing model answers for IELTS Writing and speaking tasks. Grammar Point Covered The grammar point covered in this article is ‘linking words’. Linking words are used in English to connect ideas and sentences. They help to make your writing more coherent and your speaking more fluent. Examples of linking words include ‘however’, ‘moreover’, ‘in addition’, ‘on the other hand’, and ‘therefore’. Pros and Cons Regarding Climate Change Pros: Increased awareness about environmental issues. Stimulates innovation in green technology. Promotes sustainable practices. Encourages global cooperation. Opportunities for new jobs in the green economy. Improved air quality with reduced reliance on fossil fuels. Preservation of biodiversity. Enhanced resilience of communities to climate impacts. Health benefits from active, low-carbon lifestyles. Opportunities for reforestation and carbon sequestration. Cons: Increased frequency and severity of natural disasters. Rising sea levels threatening coastal communities. Disruption of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. Increased health risks due to heatwaves and spread of diseases. Displacement of people due to climate change. Increased food and water insecurity. Increased economic inequality. Increased political instability and conflict. Loss of cultural heritage sites due to rising sea levels and extreme weather. Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases Greenhouse gas emissions Carbon footprint Renewable energy Climate resilience Global warming Sea level rise Extreme weather events Climate mitigation Deforestation Biodiversity loss Model Sentences Using Climate Change Phrases and Linking Words However, despite the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, some countries are making efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. Moreover, the transition to renewable energy is essential for climate mitigation. In addition to causing global warming, deforestation also contributes to biodiversity loss. On the other hand, some argue that economic development should take precedence over climate change concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to build climate resilience in vulnerable communities. However, the threat of sea level rise continues to loom over coastal cities. Moreover, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change. In addition, the need for climate mitigation strategies is becoming increasingly urgent. On the other hand, some believe that the impact of human activities on climate change is overstated. Therefore, it is important to educate the public about the realities of climate change. Model Essay About Climate Change Question: What are the impacts of climate change on society, and how can we mitigate them? Introduction: Climate change, primarily caused by greenhouse gas emissions, is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Its impacts on society are far-reaching and require urgent attention. Body Paragraph 1: The impacts of climate change on society are manifold. However, one of the most visible effects is the increase in extreme weather events. These events, such as hurricanes and heatwaves, can cause widespread destruction and loss of life. Moreover, climate change is leading to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities with frequent flooding and eventual displacement. In addition, climate change exacerbates food and water insecurity, which can lead to conflicts and mass migrations. Body Paragraph 2: Despite the grim outlook, there are measures we can take to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint are crucial steps towards slowing down global warming. Moreover, building climate resilience in vulnerable communities can help them adapt to changing conditions and recover from climate-related disasters. On the other hand, addressing the root cause of the problem requires systemic changes in our economic and political systems to prioritise sustainability over short-term gains. Conclusion: In conclusion, climate change poses significant challenges to society, but with concerted effort and systemic changes, we can mitigate its impacts. It is our collective responsibility to safeguard our planet for future generations. Speaking Part 3 Questions and Model Answers Question 1: Why is climate change a significant issue for society? Climate change is a significant issue for society because it affects almost every aspect of our lives. From the food we eat to the weather we experience, climate change has far-reaching impacts. For instance, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe, causing destruction and loss of life. Furthermore, climate change is exacerbating food and water insecurity, which can lead to conflicts and mass migrations. Therefore, it’s crucial that we take action to mitigate the impacts of climate change.* Question 2: Should governments invest more in renewable energy? Definitely, governments should invest more in renewable energy. This is not only beneficial for the environment, but it also has economic advantages. Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro are sustainable and can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change. Moreover, investing in renewable energy can stimulate job creation and drive economic growth. Question 3: How can individuals contribute to climate change mitigation? Individuals can contribute to climate change mitigation in several ways. One of the most effective ways is by reducing their carbon footprint. This can be achieved by making simple changes in our daily lives, such as using public transport or cycling instead of driving, reducing energy consumption at home, and eating less meat. However, it’s important to remember that individual actions, while important, need to be complemented by systemic changes at the governmental and corporate levels. Question 4: How has the public perception of climate change evolved over time? Public perception of climate change has significantly evolved over time. In the past, climate change was often seen as a distant problem that would affect future generations. However, with the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events and the tangible impacts of climate change becoming more evident, public awareness and concern have grown. Today, more people understand the urgency of the issue and the need for immediate action. Question 5: Is climate change a concern in your country? Yes, climate change is a major concern in the UK. The country has experienced a significant increase in temperature over the past century, with a linear trend of 1.6°F per century. This has led to more frequent and severe weather events, such as floods and heatwaves. Moreover, the UK government has recognized the urgency of the issue and is taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy. Further Reading Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) UK Met Office: Climate Research BBC: Science & Environment National Geographic: Global Warming Wikipedia: Climate Change Joke Why don’t some people believe in climate change? Because it’s a hard concept to “weather”! Join many other students who have achieved IELTS success with our online course or get instant writing feedback with our online IELTS essay checker.  You can download or listen to the full tutorial here: | Direct Download Here | Stitcher | Apple Podcasts | Spotify The post Climate Change: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers appeared first on IELTS Podcast.
  2. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Hai trong số bảy người bị bỏng do đánh ghen tại Đồng Nai đã không qua khỏi. Thực tế đã xảy ra rất nhiều vụ đánh ghen để lại hậu quả nghiêm trọng. Nhưng trước sự việc thương tâm này, thay vì đánh ghen lồng lộn, liệu ta có nên cân nhắc thiệt hơn?
  3. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Một số tin tức đáng chú ý: Doanh nghiệp vận tải tiếp tục kêu cứu; Hơn 96.000 thí sinh TP.HCM làm thủ tục dự thi lớp 10; Cung vượt cầu, giá chanh dây lao dốc...
  4. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Trên đường đi thi vào lớp 10, một thí sinh không may gặp tại nạn, gãy chân. Hội đồng thi khẩn cấp đưa thí sinh đi bó bột để kịp vào phòng thi. Đã có những câu chuyện tương tự và cách xử lý đầy tình người của thầy cô đã nhận được 'cơn mưa' lời khen.
  5. Artist(s): Báo TT
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  9. Artist(s): Báo TT
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  10. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Đốt nhiều người vì ghen ở Đồng Nai; Điều tra vụ xe cứu thương bi chặn đường đập bể kính ở Trà Vinh; Phát hiện bộ xương người đàn ông gần nơi trước đó tìm thấy thi thể phụ nữ ở Củ Chi, TP.HCM; Thủ tướng Úc uống bia hơi, ăn bánh mì ở Hà Nội...
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  16. Artist(s): Báo TT
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  17. Artist(s): Báo TT
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  18. Artist(s): Báo TT
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  21. Artist(s): IELTS Podcast
      In this tutorial, we speak with Olga, a Russian mother who scored IELTS Band 7 to move her son with ASD to Australia. Listen to this audio tutorial and you will learn:  How Olga used what she loved to prepare for the IELTS exam. How to track your IELTS progress using free sites. How Olga increased her listening score and discovered topics to write about. How to boost your confidence for IELTS Task 2. Why Olga took the IELTS Exam? Meet an IELTS student, Olga from Moscow. Olga wrote the IELTS exam in search of a better and friendlier environment for her son, who was diagnosed with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Olga shares her story of emigrating from Russia in search of a better environment for her son, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Despite being a successful IT project manager, Olga and her husband found themselves exhausted from the challenges posed by their son’s condition. How Olga was preparing before she joined the IELTS Podcast Online Course. The beginning of her preparation was tough and stagnant, but after consistently listening to the IELTS Podcast and enrolling in the online IELTS Course, she finally had a breakthrough. Olga had previously enrolled for IELTS Preparation with a tutor in her home country. Although she saw some improvement, she still struggled with generating ideas and her mind going blank. How our online IELTS Course helped Olga score Band 7. After joining our online course, Olga learnt what she describes as “the magical formula” to improve her IELTS Writing skills. Olga finally passed the IELTS exam with Band 7 and is relocating to Australia with her son and husband.  Although she initially didn’t understand everything, Olga persevered and continued to listen. She ended up scoring 7 in IELTS Listening.   Join many other students who have achieved IELTS success with our online course or get instant writing feedback with our online IELTS essay checker.  You can download or listen to the full tutorial here: | Direct Download Here | Stitcher | Apple Podcasts | Spotify The post Russian Mother Gets IELTS Band 7 and Moves Son with ASD to Australia appeared first on IELTS Podcast.
  22. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Trong trang phục áo dài ngũ thân khi phát biểu, đại biểu Nguyễn Văn Cảnh đề nghị Quốc hội xem xét đưa vào nghị quyết kỳ họp cho phép đại biểu nam mặc áo dài ngũ thân tại các phiên họp, bên cạnh việc mặc bộ comple. Người dân nói gì về chuyện này?
  23. Artist(s): Báo TT
    Những ly sinh tố, nước ép, đá xay ở hàng quán luôn sánh mịn, bắt mắt hơn nhà làm nhờ bột mix, bột frappe (chất chống tách nước). Nhưng hiện có nhiều loại bột trôi nổi trên thị trường, không rõ nguồn gốc, chứa chất cấm gây hại cho sức khỏe về lâu dài.
  24. Artist(s): Báo TT
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